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St Thomas of Canterbury College

Maureen and Margaret by Brendan Biggs


Maureen and Margaret - December 17, 2017


This year we welcomed Noah Parsons at Year 7 and Lachlan Reid at Year 8 to RIMG and Jesse Varney and Luca O'Malley-Philcox at Year 7 and Finn Keogan at Year 9 to RIMA. It has been good to see them all so quickly assimilate, making friends and taking part in activities.

We have enjoyed the usual activities during mentoring – student-run Kahoots, many FIFA games, shared lunch and the annual fair where once again we combined classes to run a spectacularly successful homemade food stall and an equally successful opportunity to play FIFA. We have been also able to celebrate the achievements of class members. In RIMG Mitchel is never far from a basketball; Criese performed enthusiastically at Polyfest; Findlay continued his success in Art; Noah is going to make his mark in athletics; Tayler passed Grade One in Saxophone, Matt played Rugby; Jack took the lead in the academic field featuring at the final Prizegiving and Luke maintained his interest in cricket. In RIMA we had several keen sportsmen in Jesse, Gianni, Zach, Sam, Phelix, Connor, Finn, Ezra and Montel. In cultural activities Sherwin was a leader in the Philippino group and Connor a member of the Kapahaka.

Another highlight of our year was when Lachlan, Noah, Jesse and Luca were received into the Church and we celebrated with them as they received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Our highest achiever on the international scene was Reagan Laidlaw in RIMG who had to miss the NCEA external examinations as he was overseas competing in the World Trampolining Championships. We congratulate him on his performance finishing in the middle of the field in his age group – no mean feat - and acknowledge the many hours of training he has had to put in to reach this standard.

We congratulate Sherwin on his appointment as our Philippino leader for 2018 and wish him every success as he leads a growing number of students in the College

2017 has been a challenging year at the College with the demolition of C Block and the loss of the Information Centre in A Block putting extreme pressure on classroom space. This in turn has meant that there has been no available study or break out areas for the students, particularly at Year 13, to use in their spare time but as the year progressed Jack, George, Casey, James and Eliot found their leadership niche as they efficiently organised the boys’ favourite – pizza! We wish them well as they leave us for post-secondary endeavours and thank them for their cheerful co-operation over the years. We also wish well Jayden Ruki who is currently trialling a work opportunity. Jayden (a talented and busy DJ in his spare time) took over the responsibility of finding the notices every day and reading them to the class.

In the last mentoring session of the year RIMG and RIMA joined with several other Rice classes to go off to MegAir where everyone had great fun and used up heaps of energy! Thanks to Mrs Guerin for completing the arrangements with MegAir and Mr Jones for organising the transport. With the change of Assembly and Mentoring time next year to periods 1 and 2 Monday it remains to be seen whether opportunities like this will still be possible.

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing both new and existing RIMG and RIMA members next year.