Steve Hart — Feb 24, 2023

We have had solid start to the new term. It has been pleasing observing our staff and students getting back into sound routines and habits. Alongside the good work in the classroom, our community is at full steam in many extra-curricular activities.

While we have been hopeful of a smooth run this year after a unprecedented level of disruption due to covid last year, the weather hit. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those severely affected and to those who have tragically lost their lives by the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle. Today we are gathering funds to be donated to the recovery up north.

Last week was the start of Lent. As we will all be aware Lent for the year 2023 starts on Wednesday, Feb 22nd and ends on Thursday, April 6 with evening mass on Holy Thursday. Lent is a Christian annual period that starts on Ash Wednesday lasting for 40 days (not including Sundays) representing the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness. This time gives us all, as a Catholic community, an opportunity to reflect on our own faith. Traditionally Lent is a time of fast or giving up something, I prefer to focus on giving or challenging the lens in which we view the world. In the current world we live in, we find ourselves swayed into a pessimistic or general negative view. During this season I challenge our community to focus on how we think and how we can make the world a better place by simply practicing a different mindset.

Image by: Lynley Gibson

My focus this Lent is to focus as Pope Francis describes “fasting from complaints and contemplate simplicity”. In society at the moment is a feeling of loss of control, blaming others for the predicament we may be in and general frustration. By simplifying our situations and focusing on gratitude I believe we will gain a real sense of peace.

Our students will have their latest round of bi-weekly grades on their EDGE portal for you to check and discuss with your sons. It is my experience that any questions or issues, no matter how minor, are best dealt with early. Your first contact is your son's mentor teacher, if your need further assistance we have our pastoral team available.

22 February was the anniversary of the devastating earthquake of 2011. We offer prayer and remembrance for all those 185 people who tragically lost their lives. They will never be forgotten. This catastrophic event will never be forgotten. While it was a tragic event, it also bought about so many lived examples of the best of humanity, some of these similar stories we are seeing in the Hawkes Bay. It is a simple adage but the greatest gift we give each other is kindness, understanding and time. It is often during adversity that we see the greatest of these traits. During this season of Lent, let's make these everyday lived experiences.