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Brendan Biggs —

Term 3 is an important time for students as they prepare for school examinations and prepare for the NCEA external examinations in Term 4. School examinations are the main source for Derived Grades.

The External NCEA Examination Timetable for 2023 is available online:


The key pieces of information you need to be aware of are:
Derived Grade Applications 2023

A derived grade may be awarded to a student who:

  • Is unable to sit examinations or submit materials for external assessment, or
  • Who considers that their performance in an external assessment has been impaired by exceptional circumstances beyond their control.
  • This includes a natural disaster, the death of a family member or close acquaintance, and national representative duties which have prevented them from sitting examinations or otherwise presenting materials for external assessment.
  • A grade awarded by the school, based on standard-specific evidence, is submitted to NZQA for processing.
  • Derived Grade applications must be made through the Principal's Nominee.
  • Candidates should contact the Principal's Nominee as soon as possible if an application is likely - please contact Brendan Biggs (bbiggs@stc.school.nz)