Hero video
Fr Justin Lee CSJ celebrated St Thomas of Canterbury College Commissioning Mass.
Video by Brendan Biggs Biggsie3

Student Leaders Badged

Stephen Kennedy —

Fr Justin Lee CSJ celebrated our Commissioning Mass.The Mass was our first major Eucharistic celebration for the year and it was special in three ways.Firstly, we gathered as a faith community to receive the Eucharist.Secondly, it was a whole school gathering as a sign of unity. Our guests were from our brother and sister Catholic Colleges around the diocese.

Thirdly, we honoured our Year 13 Leadership Team with a blessing over the whole Year 13 cohort and their parents presented them with their leadership badges.

We are extremely grateful to Fr Justin for his leadership and ongoing presence in RE classes each Wednesday. This is a new initiative to being our College community closer to the Christchurch West parish. We are blessed to have leadership from Mrs Bernie Lee and Mr Aidan Baker for the liturgy. Special thanks go to Moni Avia (Deputy College Captain and Edmund Rice Gospel Spirituality Leader) for his organisation of the Mass... so many students are volunteering to read, sing, serve and help out. If you are interested in being baptised and the other sacraments, please contact me 🙂

Yours in Christ,

  • Stephen Kennedy, Director of Special Character, skennedy@stc.school.nz