Stephen Kennedy — Mar 27, 2018

This week we celebrated the College’s fundraising campaign for our friends and families affected by Cyclone Gita, especially those in Tonga. It has been 4 wonderful weeks of social justice.

Each day the houses collected cash donations. The total was $352.20.

The Filipino student group held a lunch with awesome traditional dishes. They raised $113.30.

The Year 12 Justice & Peace class organized a school wide mufti day. This was the biggest and most successful in STC history…. $1413.80 was raised.

The Year 12 Justice & Peace class held a raffle and raised $855.00

Finally, the Year 12 Justice & Peace class held a community carwash and raised $307.70.

The grand total was $3042.00.

The money has been sent to Caritas Aotearoa, who are overwhelmed by our generosity and action. They will spend all the money in their Gita Relief support programme.

More importantly than “what” we did is the “why”. A Catholic in the 21st century is connected to God through service, charity, advocacy and selflessness. Our students took the Gospel message to the community and thus they grew as men of faith and as men of justice.

Don’t let anyone tell you that teenagers these days are self centered or disconnected from values.

Yours in Christ,

Stephen Kennedy