MABC Report
MABC - December 9, 2020
A look at MABC successes for 2020
Jasper Robinson- CUFC winner of final.
Caleb Hancock - Enjoys rowing smashing people in rugby.
Jack Coulthard- 1st xv member, South Island scorpions rugby league team, endorsement.
Mathias Tiede - Evoloticy member.
Finn Clark-Yr 10 student gaining Yr 11 excellence credits.
Ollie Knoyle- Forklift license.
Norton MacDonald- Up and coming hunter impressive league player.
Tristan Reiha - E endorsement.
Ralph McFarlane – Cooking skills, loves STC.
Ricky Kim - UC ID card and a very successful academic year.
Zain Taylor - Tech and sound, STC radio DJ.
Zach Floris - 2nd place FF yachting race. Student Leader 2021
Callum Jones - Employee of the month Pack and Save Riccarton, Yr12/13 band drummer, frequent flyer Friday after school.
Nikau Johnson - U13 Canterbury basketball.
Harry Coleman - Marlow house captain, 1st XV most points, 1st XI cricket, $3500-$5000 scholarship Otago university, E endorsement level 1,2 Aiming for a repeat this year.
Farewell to Kohki Tsuji, Ollie, Harry and Callum this year.