Stephen Kennedy — Apr 13, 2022

Easter is a time of hope.

Hey I’m actually writing this from home, under self-isolation. Many of you have been here, (self-isolation that is, not my house!) and it’s definitely a time for hope.

This term has been a rollercoaster for us all. We have connected deeper than before, and continued to find new ways to innovate, overcome and remain hopeful.

The story of Easter is definitely still relevant: people are looking for meaning, people are finding hope through service. As we lead up to the Passion (from the Last Supper to the Resurrection) of Jesus Christ we can see parallels in our own journey in 2022.

Christ’s sacrifice was the ultimate act of selflessness and challenges us to be selfless, courageous, and hopeful. When Jesus died on the Cross, he handed his soul freely to God the Father. That’s trust.

We too are hopeful. The recent warm Autumn weather reminds me of that first lockdown when everything was topsy turvy. In that time we sorted some priorities, found some clarity and communications. And, let’s be honest, in that time we also got a bit lost, out of focus and bored.

The Stations of the Cross are a map.. not just of downtown Old Jerusalem, but of our hearts and minds.

Please watch the video below and let the ideas refresh you, give you clarity and renewed hope.

The staff and students prepared it because we are unable to gather as a faith community and pray in the hall. Actually, now we have a video we’re reaching more people with our message.

Please find time to reflect this Easter weekend. Amidst the current uncertainty and chaos is God’s love, manifest in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

From the whole Special Character Team we wish you all a very safe, happy and holy weekend.


Stephen Kennedy

Director of Religious Studies