Brendan Biggs — Dec 5, 2016

From gratitude to forgiveness to courage to goals.

A Peace Garden for STC.

The peace foundation has an annual Peace Week in Term 3 and our response was to build a Peace Garden in the area behind the Edmund Rice block.

It has four installations:

A think and thank seat . To empty your mind then recall things that you are grateful for.

A “let go” log. To recall the hurts you have suffered or caused, express them and let them go.

A crossover corner. To consider the challenges you face and leave behind worry and take up courage.

A dream table. To think big for your future and plan small daily steps to get there.

This garden will be a place of peace, of refuge, of rituals of reflection, of taking time to get grounded and get into a better head-space. It is for students and staff.

The idea is that you take a kind of pilgrimage around each installation in order.

Think and thank seat>>> Let go log>>> Crossover Corner>>>Dream table.

From Gratitude to forgiveness to courage to goals.

With the loss of the school Chapel to earthquake engineering requirements, this space is important to allow some of the functions a chapel can provide.

Brian Knopp (Counsellor)