Brendan Biggs — Jul 18, 2016


Small class that enjoyed the practical lessons on production. Developed some good skills in earning, saving and spending money. Year 9’s are all financially clued up and ready to save for their retirement!!!


Government was a popular topic, particularly with the class election of a prime minister. Classes developed a good understanding of the NZ government system and are ready to vote ……… in a few years!

Active History’s James Spod game was a killer! Playing The UNHCR game against all odds gave the students an insight into the struggle of refugees.


This year the class has undertaken three economic challenges. The $1 Challenge which has raised close to $2000 for charities, the Share Challenge where students purchase NZ shares with fake money every Friday and sell them to make profit. The winning team consisted of Hamish Allison and Romek Gall. In term four the class competed in the NZ dairy Challenge where they had to come up with marketing strategies to promote the primary sectoras a career pathway.


Modern day slavery was popular. Classes gained a true insight into the extent of modern day slavery and the conditions with which many of these people have to put up with. It made some students think twice about buying cheap imported toys from China.


Annual trip to Hanmer Springs. Great day despite not visiting the pools. This trip is planned to be an annual trip with the possibility of another trip to Akaroa being looked at. Keen interest for next year as Geography looks at offering units that offer a focus on sustainability and or global Geography.


Level 2 students yet again try to ruin all the Economic theories, level 3 want a ban Mr Clifford videos and anew external system where you get to choose the paper you want to answer. Next year there is excitement about level 2 Economics changing a bringing a focus of business studies and business management.

Senior Social Studies

History – Trip to Te Papa to see the Galipoli exhibition. Amazing day looking at the fabulous exhibitions. Highlight was a toss up between the exhibits and lunch – McDonalds. Anybody would think the students were deprived!