Brendan Biggs — Nov 21, 2016

A life rule; mihi, courage, earthquakes, compassion, resilience, authenticity, suffering and comfort,

Our group:

It has one year 13, Fergus Sharp; three year 12s, Robb Bautista, Dane Tumahai, James Cranefield; Two year 11s Henry Mc Currie and Taualai; two year 10s Jack Brenmuhl and Jack Bateman, two year 9s Kieran Charlton and Cody Jeffery-Butler; two year 8s Ronan Vave and Wilson House; and Aaron Robinson year 7. 

This their school family. Each has a small claim to fame:

Fergus was co-chair of the school council and boss man at tutor-group time when Mr Knopp was unavailalble.

Robb is the new Phillipino student leader for 2017. He is good at music, passing exams and smiling.

Dane gives the impression of being cruisey but underneath is a quiet academic achiever.

James is the all purpose dynamo with legendary hunting skills.

Taualai is the man on the rugby league field.

Henry is the friendly, helpful, humble guy you can trust.

Jack Brenmuhl loves the outdoors and speeding on his DRZ 250.

Jack Bateman is like a spider monkey when it comes to rock climbing.

Kieran has great sporting skills especially in cricket.

Cody is into softball and rugby league.

Wilson is fast and furious in harness racing.

Ronan is an encyclopaedia on trains.

Aaron is our champion Connect 4 player winning three in a row against Mr Knopp , and the bet that he couldn’t. Result Mr Knopp had to shout chips for the class.

Of course none of things define them alone , and they are all developing the qualities of a fine young St Thomas’s man. We have engaged with many themes this year including:

A life rule; mihi, courage, earthquakes, compassion, resilience, authenticity, suffering and comfort,

Hope, leadership, a moral compass, mottos, goal setting and others topics.

We are also the school No.1 Baristas, running the coffee stall at the fair with flair and pizzazz (but no pizzas).

Brian Knopp