MCBB Form Report
Caleb Laughton and Biggsie - January 3, 2019
So the year has gone for MCBB
We have had a year of moving around finding a new home - finally ending up in MS2 - the new library. We kitted it out and kept it ordered, played chess there and solved the world's problems.
Firstly, I must thank the author/creator of the class video - Caleb Laughton. Caleb has been in MCBB for 6 years and decided to take on this creative challenge before he left in year 12 for the workforce. Courses await for Caleb but he will always be remembered for his passion in house events and wicked dance routines on house days. Keep in touch Caleb.
A great fair day on the pop corn machine and many many discussions on what makes the world go around or stop at times. All this done in the fun and laughter of great lads. It will be sad to see some leave but also very exciting to hear of their adventures in the future. It is great to see them cruise into my office in the years to come and tell new stories.
A few of our members have moved on:
Henry Bogitini - left during year with his wonderful singing voice into the workforce. Henry was always ready with a rap and a laugh.
Oliver Wilkinson - has left in year 13 for University adventures. Lincoln University - sport and recreation and a possible jaunt with Camp America. Oli was one of the MCBB crew with Tim Hudson who left the year earlier.
Viliame O'Gotia - was our flying Fijian. Viliame always had a smile and a laugh about to erupt. He has completed level two NCEA and moved South to enter the workforce.
Brooklyn Holmes Hurst - Brooklyn has moved across the road to Riccarton High. We wish him all the best.
Those that stay:
My year 13 crew:
Omar Ali, Rocky Taufateau, Fatai Moala, Alex Hodgson and Quinn Hanham - great to have this number of leaders to mold or ruin the others!
The others:
Luke Comyns, Dylan Bargh, Mack Odey, Mac Kaitao, Letone Loto, Zion Amituanai, Xavier Anisy, Jordan Doonerwind and Nico Heather.