Mr Rapson — Dec 10, 2020


Overall, it has been a challenging year for all the staff and students at STC with Covid and the lockdown.

But all in all, the boys have responded to that challenge in a positive way and if anything, it has brought them closer together. JOBR is no exception to that.

This year sees the farewell of the two longest serving members of JOBR in Braydon Ransley and Rhys Buckley. It is very sad to seem them go but I am also proud of what they have accomplished during their time here at the college and all of their own personal challenges that they have overcome. I wish them both well for their futures and I look forward to seeing how they progress from here.

The mantle now gets passed onto the senior boys left and I’m looking forward to how they will put their own personal touches to JOBR and make it more their own in the years to come.

JOBR Highlights:

Braydon Ransley My highlight was during COVID listening to all the teachers while playing a little bit of Xbox on the side, also seeing everything change in one year.

Jacob Tillard I enjoyed special character week, ordering pizza, athletics, and swimming sports. All of these were fun since you could hang out with friends and the sports. The challenging things were knowing where all the buildings were.

Ryan Wilson I found the shared breakfast that we did fun and I found lockdown quite hard because of not having any motivation to get up and do work.

Dominic Cleall This year was my first year of NCEA and this happened to be the year that COVID-19 hit. It was difficult learning about how NCEA while I was at home without my teachers to help me. I had 3 drama internals in lockdown alone, so it was quite tough. Luckily, I was able to talk to my teachers and my friends online so that they could help me.

Aden Veint I really liked all the activities and events we did in the school. It was good to have the motivation to do the schoolwork in lock down as well.