Hero photograph
Photo by Lynley Gibson

Evolocity 2022

Andrew Jones —

Ben Chapman (Y10) Henry Thomson (Y11), Mathias Tiede (Y11), Jacob Rolston (Y11), Sam Hadfield (Y11), Ollie Simmons (Y7).

This year was an awesome year for the boys - the team entered four vehicles.

The competition was split with the competition class karts racing on the Friday evening and the bikes and open karts on the Saturday.

The Friday saw some teething issues with us frying some of the power limiter units that Evolocity provided. The beast did not want to be tamed! But we completed the drag races and had to pull out of the endurance event. It was still an awesome event with the team pulling some fast trackside magic to to reconfigure the electronics to allow the kart to run.

Saturday saw a full day of racing at Burnside High School.

All three vehicles ran well and Ollie even won his heat for the endurance event.

We won the national award for tech innovation mainly due to our reconfiguring skills, and Henry won some innovation awards for Henbot.

This is an awesome competition, and our boys continue to grow from strength to strength in their skill, perseverance, and abilities.

A huge thanks to Shane Reddy for all the hours and guidance he gives the boys and the countless opportunities for hands on tools for the boys.

Thanks to Hamish McCombie and the school for the financial support and assistance.

None of this would be possible without the ongoing support of the parents who take the boys to scrutineering, training events and the competitions - Nigel and Penny Thomson, Damien Tiede, Mark Simmons, Bridget and Ryan Rolston, and all the families involved.