Hero photograph
Rob Oorschot - leaving the maths department 2016
Photo by Brendan Biggs

Rob Oorschot leaves STC after 30+ years

Brendan Biggs —

"Our paths have crossed and as we move on in different directions I farewell you with Namaste."

Some last memories that Rob takes with him from STC:

  • A Xavier old-boy completed his bachelor or science degree and started relief teaching at STC in 1982
  • Set off a starter's gun in the staffroom once - the joke wasn't understood by all.
  • Fundraised for Apple 2e 128k ram - $1000 each
  • Taking reports from handwritten events to computer generated
  • Outdoor ed trips with Terry Bligh
  • Ski trips to Mt Hutt 
  • Coaching the school's first XI for 10 years and having two NZ reps coming out of his coaching
  • Serving on the Board of Governors
  • Chair of the PPTA
  • Biology field trips to Temple Basin
  • A retreat to Melbourne with Marty Taylor
  • A recent trip to China with Stephen Kennedy and Jenny

Groups to thank:

  • The students for challenging with their unique personalities
  • The office staff and learning support staff for tireless efforts .
  • Maths staff teaching colleagues  who have provided guidance, help and inspiration.
  • Graeme Cox - X-HOD Maths for his many years as a great friend - many others staff mentioned personally in his farewell speech at a staff function.

Rob Oorschot