Hero photograph
Photo by Unknown

Uniform Update

Ngaire Lester —

It has been really nice meeting all our new parents and their sons, and also catching up with quite a few of our current parents and students .

Thank you for your co-operation during fit-out and collection.

My apologies to all those who left voice messages and I have not returned your calls but I don’t have the time during this period.

If your son is still owed PE gear please ask him to come and collect it from me.

It is really disappointing the number of boys that have already lost uniform and it is not named. This makes it very difficult to return the uniform to the rightful owner.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to name your son’s uniform if you have not already done so.

All students must wear their correct uniform to school and not their PE gear.

The uniform room this year will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays 8:15 am – 12: 45 pm and 2:00 pm – 3: 30 pm.   If these time are not convenient you may email me and I will try and accommodate your request.

A big thank you to the parents that have kindly donated their son’s uniform to the college this is very much appreciated.

I do have some second hand uniform for sale. For sale is a pair of Julius Marlow Black Slip on School Shoes – size 10 ½ (never been worn) $60.

Thank you.

Ngaire Lester

Uniform Manager