Brendan Biggs — May 4, 2016

How do our teenagers actually think?

Parents and caregivers were invited in May to attend a presentation by Mr Wallis. He was speaking about how the brain of the teenage boy works and the effects of things such as drugs and alcohol on the brain.

Nathan Wallis is a father of three & foster parent with a professional background in child counselling, teaching and social service management. Until recently he lectured in Human Development at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand and was also a board member and senior trainer with the highly respected Brainwave Trust. 

In 2010 he founded a private training consultancy, Nathan Wallis Ltd, with the goal of facilitating easy to understand professional development training reflecting the latest neuroscience discoveries and their practical implications for everyday practice. Since then he has been in hot demand, delivering in excess of 150 presentations every year throughout New Zealand and Australia. He has developed a reputation as a lively and engaging speaker who uses humour and plain language to make this complex topic come to life. He has worked with children in counselling settings relating to domestic violence, sexual abuse and childhood trauma. Nathan has established and managed educational contracts in Christchurch including Parents as First Teachers and Te Waka Huruhurumanu, a Ngai Tahu indigenous early learning centre.