Drama Students — May 20, 2021

It's STC's turn again in 2022, so what will it be?

Last week saw the STC and Villa Maria production of Beauty and the Beast, and it certainly didn't disappoint!

Well done to all students involved, it was a tremendous and very entertaining show!

A big thanks to Angela Smith for all the time and effort she has put in to help pull the show together.

2021 was Villa's turn to take on the musical, and under the new direction of Mrs Dawn Willets, Head of English extraordinaire, Disney's Beauty and the Beast was chosen.

The long rehearsals, costume fittings, singing lessons and dance practices were all worth it when it early May the show came together for 4 nights. The audiences were awesome, but not as awesome as the performers who really made the show pop. Special mentions to Ezra Neal as the Beast, Aaron Brighton as Cogsworth, Matthew Pelenato as Gaston, Xavier Anisey as Chip, and Presgott Ah-Dar as Maurice, and an amazing performance for a first time actor, our Cultural Captain Wilson House as Lumiere.

And of course the girls were great too! Josie Grant showed off her amazing voice as Belle for her last STC/Villa musical, and there is was plenty of young talent on show for the coming years.