Hero photograph
Hudson helping Ryan O'Reilly with the BBQ
Photo by Brendan Biggs

JOHA - Mentoring Group

Brendan Biggs —

This year inside of JOHA we have had many highlights. To name a couple, the school fair, Mr. Hart’s pizza shouts and going to the driving range. We have each chosen one highlight of our school year and will be covering it in our report.

Year 10 camp:

On the cold morning of Monday, the 7th of November, students from the four year 10 classes assembled on the far courts awaiting departure for camp. Mr Washington had already dampened our spirits by informing us that was pouring with rain and freezing cold in the Boyle River - our destination for camp. We all loaded up and after enduring the long ride to the Boyle, we arrived to see Washy had been winding us up. We were greeted by the Boyle River staff in the cloudy but warm spring day. Within seconds of arriving we had already been swarmed by sand flies and realized we were in for a long four days. We were split off into groups and sent away to start our activities. Many of the boys’ highlight of the camp was the solo that Mr Washington had so kindly “informed” us about. Prior to camp Washy was telling us we would be completely alone for more than 24 hours and how to do number twos, we would have to dig a hole. In reality every four or so hours our instructor came and checked on us and offered the opportunity for use of the long drop down the hill. We all met back up at camp on Thursday and went away in our groups for reflection. After reflection was completed we all lined up eagerly awaiting our promised pies that we had heard so much about. Somewhere, around 150 pies later, we all piled onto our bus after preforming our school haka. The trip back was considerably quieter than when we went up due to fatigue and most of us couldn’t wait to get home to be greeted with internet and flushing toilets. The experience was great and we learnt to appreciate the small things in life.

School Athletics:

Athletics is a compulsory event that the whole school attends in, It involves numerous sports like Sprinting, High jump, long jump, shot put. The best part about the day is when you sing out your house chant at the other houses with everything you've got.

School Swimming:

For the swimming bit in this story we went out for the whole day to the Halswell swimming centre and hired it privately so we could compete against each other it is in the first week of school each year

School Singing:

Joyce won the singing because they are way better than all the other bad houses. We were all covered in paint and we were allowed to put it on the bad houses. Marlow won the haka because Joyce did not want to be a try hard. Rice were the suckers of the day they lost both they are so bad. I think the reason rice is so bad because you can buy them for to dollars at the warehouse. In the end we were the best house drew with Marlow.

Fun Activities:

This year our form class did some fun activities. We went to the driving range as well as mini golfing. Mr Hart generously shouted pizza to the form class when we arrived back to school. Occasionally we had a shared lunch as well as more pizza. 

The Students:

Our form class has many excellent students, most of which have won and achieved multiple awards. Here are some of our successful form class students: Kol Harmer received the Year 9 Speeches Cup and was part of the Under 14s that won the competition in their grade. Jes Pol Ramirez also received the Year 10 Speeches Cup, and excellences on Academic and Painting. It is also great to mention Jesse Rarm's excellence endorsement at level 2. Lathym Scott, year 12, received an Excellence award for Design. And Harry Apes referees basketball to very high standard. We are all proud of our successful students from our form class, and we hope to see more throughout the years they are at this school. Well done, boys!

School Fair:

This year for the fair we did Burgers and Bacon Butties. We all took turns helping Mr Hart on the BBQ while the rest went around and spent their money and look at other stands. Our stand was located outside B2 because we thought the smell of Bacon and Burgers could waft around the school, I guess it worked because we sold out VERY quickly (just like last year). If we do it again for the fair I think we should buy a lot more ingredients so that we don’t run out and so we can make more profit for the school.