Brendan Biggs — Jun 16, 2016

RIYS Report

This year in RIYS we had a variety of class activities. This included activities like human hungry hippos, making lolly cake and having shared lunches. The students in our class had a lot of success on the sports field and in the academic field. Zhaviar, Epati and Alexander in under 14 rugby team made the finals. Olly’s under 13 rugby team also made the finals. Zhaviar made the Canterbury rugby squad. Ben competed at Maadi rowing, Ethan nailed Science this year like a Boss. Ollie smashed his weightlifting competitions, watch put for him at the Olympics 2024. Joe was a sharp shooter all year round making the Canterbury target shooting team. Finally Campbell scored high with his level 2 art portfolio in one year. If you don’t believe any of this, speak to Josh but be warned he has made NZ national karate team and off to worlds in November. All of this backed up our theme of success in assembly.