Hero photograph
Photo by Brendan Biggs



Nick: his year was epic! We beat Kennedy in Paper, scissors, rock.

Quote by Trent the coolest person in RIMC. ‘Waking up in the morning is the best thing I’ve done’

Fynn: I liked coin rugby this year in RIMC; it was fun.

Aiden: I liked playing ps4 in our mentor challenge day at the fair.

Niel: Walking into school at St Thomas is the perfect expedition for a Jurassic park, but students.

Ethan: I enjoyed football tennis as I would always be in the king’s square.

Brody. I enjoyed the Monday mornings at form time playing games.

Cooper. I liked how as the days got hotter we started to go outside to play more games.

Josh. I managed to get one of my goals this year which was getting to the final in hockey.

Liam. The thing I enjoyed the most was hand ball

Kael: I enjoyed how relaxed the form classes have been.

Joseph: I enjoyed getting to know the boys more and playing handball on the Monday mornings.

This year has been one of the biggest challenges in recent memory. Challenging, for a number of reasons: We battle COVID-19, we went through lockdown as a city, we did online learning. The students of RIMC have spent our time looking at ways to improve ourselves and our learning, various team-building exercises, and engaged in activities with other classes. We’ve all contributed to morning prayers and notices, and even for a Monday morning, enjoyed each other’s company.