Hero photograph
Photo by Brendan Biggs

JORL - Article

Ben Broomhall, Year 7 —

My first year in JORL

Being part of JORL helped me get to know others at school when I first started, it was my base and structure of my friendships that I could build on throughout the year. Our relationships were built by playing games in the gym, having some laughs and having mean feeds especially our last Monday we were all together and when the year thirteens left.

JORL have always been helpful and offered advice like when Elisara Vaifale told me to “stay in school”. Mr. lange has been there for us whenever we needed him, he helped me set my goal and follow them through to completion.

I have learnt a lot about STC life from my form class, they have made me feel at home here, we have shared some great moments and I always looked forward to Monday mornings, having fun and playing in the gym.

They have been amazing friends and even better mentors thank you JORL and JOAA how we shared the gym foyer with.

Ben Broomhall, Year 7