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St Thomas of Canterbury College

Nico, Sam and Mark by Brendan Biggs

MCBB Report

Nico, Mark, Alex, Biggsie and Sam. - December 9, 2020

MCBB – class report 2020

There are a lot of different personalities in our form class just like flavours of ice-cream.

Mark Peter Andre is our baby of the form class, fresh meat from South Africa – part lion. He also has three first names… but Mark cannot sing as well as Peter Andre. Xavier Anisy our studious first aider – one of the brain of our crew. Dylan Bargh was never here – sleeping all the time. His parents are keen for him moving out of home to do engineering at UC. Josh Bautista – our performer and stage dancer… someone had to be talented! Alex Belton is just waiting to get a word in due to Mr Biggs going on all the time about Eckhart Tolle – his spiritual guru. Luke Comyns – well he is the biggest brain and DUX for 2020 with scholarships galore. His future is looking after his cows. Fine Vaingalo is one of our Tongan bouncers trapped in the NZ paradise due to Covid-19. Sam Hadfield is our man from the country – slowly growing into his blazer. Where is Darfield? Finn Hanrahan is the guy with the weapons. Loves to kill the innocent creatures in the forests. Nico Heather our guy who showed up to zoom meetings undressed and who never is late for class. We farewell Mac Kaitao as he heads off to a building career. Letone Loto always rocking up late with a fresh haircut and someone else’s jacket. Dayton Maka has moved on to another school – but we don’t know where… good luck. Caleb O’Keeffe is very tall and wears his scarf and gloves and beanie extremely well … even on hot days. Siosifa Amato spent one year with us and is now ensconced in a sheering team cruising the South Island. Lastly Norman Palu, our other Tongan bouncer is our baby-tongan but bigger that the rest … just doesn’t know it yet.

2020 in one word: disruptive.

2020 in 2 words: ice-cream

2020 in 3 words: Where is Darfield?

By Nico, Mark, Alex, Biggsie and Sam.