Year 9 Camp

By Daniel Reid - 9E

We went to the tennis court with our day bags and our big bags. While we waited for the bus, we started to play games on the court like handball. When the bus arrived, we lined up and put our bags in it. We got into the bus and got into our seats while also putting on seatbelts for safety. The bus drove off and we started singing at the back because someone brought a speaker with them.

We drove up and over the hills to Stoddard Point and got our bags off the bus. We got split into groups and my group went back to Orton Bradley Park. We set up our shelters with tarp and rope. We then went back to Stoddard Point and got into our togs for getting into the water. We went down to the wharf, and we did dives into the water. The water was cold but good and we did a competition on who could do the biggest splash and it ended in a tie. I jumped in, and it was very cold. We got dry and headed back up to the carpark then we ate lunch and the other team arrived.

Next we went coasteering. We got into thermals and a wetsuit and shoes, I brought my water ones. We put on our helmets and walked to the top of the hill and went down a path to the water. So, we climbed on a rock and jumped into the water. Because we were wearing the wetsuit, the water was nice and warm, and we climbed across the rocks to the cheese grater. The reason it is called that is that you fall and catch your knees on it, it will grate them like cheese. So, we climbed across the cheese grater to the next jump, and I jumped, and it was great. We climbed along to the last rock, and we did dives into the water. We then walked on rock pools and hopped into the water then we swam back to the ladder and climbed up to the path from before. We got changed and the van took the wharf group back to the park then we had afternoon tea.

We hopped into the van and drove back to the park then had fruits. We then played cricket and rugby before cleaning up the shelters. We had free time until dinner which was hamburgers, and they were delicious. We then had dessert which was ice blocks, and it was great because everyone was hot from the games. It was 7 when the sun started to go down. we then had milo, and it was amazingly good. When the sun was close to going down, we went over the bridge to the playground to play spotlight. I was hiding in a bush with my black jacket on so no one could see me and the year 12s said the round was over, but someone was hiding and was not coming back so we waited until they came back and picked the next people in. I hid in the same spot, where no one found me and when it got too dark, so we went back to the cabin. We got into our sleeping clothes and went to bed.

When I woke up it was still dark, and it was six in the morning so I got dressed and ready for breakfast quietly so I wouldn’t wake anyone up. When it was seven, I went down to the cabin ready for breakfast. I had a bowl of cereal first and when the hot food came out, I got an egg and bacon and a hashbrown sandwich. We started to take down our shelters and pack up our gear before going on our hike up to the waterfall loop.

We packed our bags and day packs to hike up to the waterfall. Someone got out their speaker and started playing songs and they filled us up with energy. We kept hiking up higher and higher until we crossed a river and saw a waterfall, but it ran off the big one so we had a rest there. We finally got to the water fall and it was so relaxing. After the waterfall we climbed up to the top of the hill where we could see across to the port and all of the bay. We climbed down to the forest and went through the high line course back to camp. We then had hot dogs for lunch and finished with the leftover ice blocks before getting on the bus to take us back to school.