by Lynley Gibson

Joyce House Update

Joyce has had a great start to the year. Swimming sports was a highlight, with the boys in red rising to victory in the house chant competition. We finished second overall in the pool. Jackson Bunting as kaitiaki really modelled the value of brotherhood, by encouraging the boys to participate and leading the house chants with pride. Charlie Prusas deserves a special mention, for his outstanding performance in the pool.

We also awarded our beautiful new trophy, (made by the talented Mr Reddy) to our first Joyce ‘man of the week’ for 2023. Congratulations to Chelden Hayward in Year 12 for winning this award. Chelden has started at STC this year, and has demonstrated impeccable manners, integrity and commitment to many of the co-curricular activities on offer in his short time at kura, including being involved in Polyfest. Ka rawe, Chelden! We look forward to seeing who the next recipient of this award will be.