Year 12 Retreat 2023

The Year 12s participated in their spiritual Retreat Day on Wednesday 23 August.

A Retreat Day is a chance for us to engage in spiritual development and is a traditional part of life in a Catholic school.  The Retreat was run by the Special Character Team of the College

 The focus is on Catholic teaching, fun and engaging activities.  The best retreats are inclusive through the ideas of invitation (not compulsory engagement).

In accordance with the NZ Catholic Bishops’ curriculum, we have been learning about world religions.

We focused our day on the traditional Māori concepts of wellbeing. Hauora is the Māori notion of wellbeing & encompasses four different aspects of health:

1. Taha Tinana - (Physical well-being):

We had a fun 3km run sponsored by the Buddhist monks! Here at school they shared ideas on healthiness with us as a part of their international “Vege Run”. They had prizes and apples for us.

Congratulations to Lachlan Calder for winning the running race!

2. Taha Hinengaro - (Mental and emotional well-being):

We had reflection time in the sunshine. Hagley Park is a lovely spot to process the ideas of the day.

3. Taha Whanau - (Social well-being):

We stayed connected in groups and interacted with new friends and guest speakers on faith:

Christianity: the RE teachers and Father Philip Suelzer (our local priest from Christchurch West Parish) came to answer all our questions on faith, his vocation and God’s beautiful plan for us all.

Hinduism: Mr Shane Reddy shared his understandings of his faith

Buddhism: we visited the Christchurch Temple and listen to the monks

Islam: we visited the Al Noor Mosque and students were invited inside to meet with Farid Ahmed. 

4. Taha Wairua - (Spiritual well-being):

Students were invited to pray, share ideas on faith and peace in our hearts, our College, our city and country.

Students shared food and took care of each other as a brotherhood.

We honoured the life and death of Hussein Al-Umari. Hussein bravely died in the mosque tragedy defending others.

Hussein Hazim Al-Umari

(10/1/1984 – 15/3/ 2019). STC Man #3034

It was wonderful to share the afternoon with Anna Kelly (Edmund Rice Justice Aotearoa) and Olivia Shimasaki (Saint Vincent de Paul, Peace Foundation NZ)

The staff, guests and our hosts all commented on the wonderful respectful STC men. It was a privilege to spend the day with such clever and humble men of faith.

I would like to thank the staff at STC for their support, and to our friends Farid Ahmed and Michael Deighton at the Al Noor Mosque and KokWei Lou at the Buddhist Temple for their ongoing collaborations of peace and understanding.

Special thanks to Fr Philip for his openness and presence with us.

Yours in Christ,

Stephen Kennedy, Director of Special Character

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