Sports Update

Congratulations to Joyce house for their win yesterday in the annual school swimming sports competition at Te Hapua pool. We had a great day swimming and connecting as a Kura!

We look forward to athletics participation day in two weeks on the 6th of March. Parents are welcome to come and watch! This will be held on our sports fields here at kura.

As we kick into a number of tournaments and events please remember our St Thomas’ sports code of conduct. As parents and caregivers your support is greatly appreciated in supporting the way we play and conduct ourselves through sport.

Lastly, as the opportunities offered in a number of sports contexts grows here at St Thomas’ so to does the need for transport and support. We are always requiring students to be transported to events and games, particularly on Wednesday as part of the Canterbury school sport program. If you can assist, please touch base with our sports team.

Have a great weekend,

Nga mihi nui!
