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Get Involved...Waterwise!

Lucy Naylor —

With the warmer weather and summer around the corner, the Waterwise programme is about to kick off.

For those new to Stanley Bay, Waterwise is a fun activity that aims to encourage and develop children's water safety and awareness. It provides an introduction to sailing, kayaking, and boogie board rescues. and relies on parent volunteers to make the program a success. 

There are many parent roles within Waterwise, one of which is committee representative. Right now we have an opportunity for a parent to join the Waterwise Committee, this could be an instructor/helper or someone completely new to Waterwise. No experience required! 

The commitment is one meeting per month and no other obligations other than ensuring that someone is on top of the Stanley Bay maintenance and fuel duties. 

A huge thank you to Narly Kalupahana who has been our representative on the committee for the past year and has done a great job of keeping us all afloat and up to speed. 

If you are able to help please contact - principal@stanleybay.school.nz