Friends of Stanley Bay — Jun 6, 2020

As you know, the FOSBS supports our school in raising funds. Our target for this year was $40,000 and we are pleased to have made $6,600 so far despite the major disruption to our whole school community due to covid-19. $4,400 of that figure came directly from the very successful Bowls Night - a credit to all involved.

FOSBS is now reconsidering plans for 2020 including the Stampede and Quiz night and will be focussing on one family-inclusive event in term four. We are so grateful for the support and participation of the whole school community - teachers, parents and students alike - so please, as always, get in touch if you would like to be directly involved: 

In order to support parents communications Nicole Gunn has set up whatsapp groups for each class - Need to set up a playdate but don't know the parent's number, or your child has brought home someone else's hoodie (again)? We're setting up individual class contact lists in WhatsApp to help parents communicate with each other throughout the year. 

If you missed being included (via our FOSBS survey) then please contact Nicole at with details of your child/ren and room/s so Nicole can give you access.