Term 2 learning at Stanley Bay
This term, we have some exciting learning planned!
Rōpu Kākano
The Y0/2 team will be investigating Kaitiakitanga, exploring the school and surrounding local environment. They are planning some exciting school and community initiatives, so keep an eye out for opportunities to help out!
Mathematics will continue to develop multiplication and division strategies with a focus on measurement and length.
For literacy, the development and consolidation of core foundation skills and strategies will continue for writing and reading. This is supported by the Better Start Literacy Approach.
Physical Education will be centred around gross motor skills and movement, along with training for the school cross country in Week 5, June 1st.
Rōpu Pihinga
The Y3/4 team are also exploring guardianship and their understanding of ecosystems in order to grow and maintain our gardens. They will investigate the personal skills and characteristics required to show effective Kaitiakitanga.
Literacy focuses on selecting and using sources of information, how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences, and how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
Numeracy continues with number knowledge consolidation, focusing on measurement and length.
The PE programme will be skill based invasion games and practising for the school cross country in the middle of the term.
Ropu Māhuri
The Y5/6 team will be inquiring into native trees, pest control and orchards that are sustainable at SBS that supports our theme of Kaitiakitanga.
For mathematics, the focus will be on multiplication and division, specifically looking at measurement.
The literacy programme for this term will be concentrated around writing for purpose and using descriptive language. Reading will continue with phonetic awareness, summarising texts and identifying main character traits.
Physical education will be running games and training for the school cross country to improve their fitness levels. Waterwise sessions will continue for as long as the weather is kind to us.
This term is looking like being an extremely busy one, with a sense of normality returning to school life and interest groups and clubs returning where our students can learn new skills, make new friends and share their learning with all of us.
If you have any questions about what is happening in your child's classroom, please contact the teacher in the first instance.
Ngā manaakitanga
Scott Boniface