Rachael Hamilton — May 3, 2023

Te Whatu Ora encourages whānau to vaccinate their tamariki for pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal B, measles, and flu, alongside their three COVID-19 vaccines to provide the greatest level of protection heading into winter.

Tamariki aged six months to 12 years are eligible for free flu vaccinations. For more information, visit:

Flu immunisation for tamariki – KidsHealth

Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine – Te Whatu Ora

COVID-19 boosters for over 30s and those at increased risk of severe illness – New Zealand Government

You will still need to isolate for seven days if you have COVID-19 to reduce the risk of spread. For further information:

If you have COVID-19 – New Zealand GovernmentPlease advise the office if a child has Covid.