Lucy Naylor — Feb 28, 2021

Day two of learning from home...I hope all is well. While we will be providing online learning for our students, we also understand that your family comes; first, we encourage you to do what is best for your child/ren at this time. Learning should be fun and engaging for all involved.

As a staff, we are committed to providing quality online teaching and learning for all our students, and we encourage all students to participate in learning opportunities. Online meetings play a crucial role for students to stay connected with their class and teacher, so while some meetings may seem to be a lot of fun, e.g. music or pet sharing, bring a famous person morning. These are important ingredients for maintaining our school culture.

After each lockdown, we review and refine our processes to make sure that we are continually improving. Early next week, we will be sending out a short survey to see how we can improve our online delivery. This is learning for all of us!

Useful Information

Learning From Home: The Ministry of Education has an information and resources page for parents, worth a read.

Wellbeing Toolkit - here, you will find tools and resources to support your child's wellbeing during the lockdown and return to school.

How do I access home learning?

Each teaching team has a 'page' - a one-stop-shop where you can access all the information you need to support your child's learning. Here are the links to the learning pages:

· Year 0/2 Home Learning

· Year 3/6 Home Learning

What is happening each week?

Every week, each teaching team will share a new timetable, including the links for online meetings and lessons.

You can find the weekly timetable in the 'Class Timetable' article.

How can I get help?

At Level 3, teachers are working! Please feel free to contact them via email throughout the day but be aware that they are teaching at various times, so they may not respond immediately.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or me and remember... learning should be fun!