Lucy Naylor — May 12, 2020

In this article, you will find questions from parents, and answers that we hope you will find useful as we move through Level 2.

How do I collect/drop off my child if they have an appointment and I can't come on to the school site?

If you want to collect your child for an appointment, you will need to:

Can the community use the playground and school site outside of school hours?

Yes, public and school playgrounds will be open at Alert Level 2. 

If you use the school grounds after hours we ask that:

What is the procedure for dropping off and picking up from Kelly Club?
Kelly Club will be operating from Monday 18 May. A few things to know:

I borrowed a school Chromebook. Can I keep it at home in Level 2?
We have a limited number of devices at school, and on Monday we will need to use the devices for school-based learning. 

All devices must be returned to school by Friday 15 May. This will enable us to clean and sanitise the devices before the start of school on Monday. 

Please contact to arrange to drop your device back to school. 

My son/daughter forgot their lunch. How can I get it to them?
If you need to drop lunch, clothes, reading books etc to your child during the day you will need to: