Hero photograph
Photo by Scott Boniface

Pink Shirt Day 2022

Scott Boniface —

On Friday 20th May, Stanley Bay School will be celebrating Pink Shirt Day and raising money to support the kaupapa. We will be part of a powerful movement to spread aroha and kindness to end bullying.

Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting positive social relationships. It’s about creating a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of age, ability, or cultural background. So grab your pink t-shirts (or pink anythings!) and let's make Friday, the 20th of May a special day.

We encourage all students to come to school dressed as pink as possible with a gold coin they can add to our trail.

The house captains will be collecting donations outside the school gates on Friday morning and afternoon.

Please support the Mental Health Foundation. Shirts can be bought at https://www.pinkshirtday.org.nz/