Hero photograph
Photo by pixabay.com


Lucy Naylor —

This term we are promoting the SBS value of resilience, we often talk to the children about mistakes being a part of learning and how to bounce back when things don't go our way. This is something I am sure you experience at home!

There is no doubt that mistakes and failures are key to learning. We know that failure can help our brains compile information about the experience and grow bigger. Research shows that there are three kinds of failure:

Preventable: These are a sign of insufficient skills or knowledge and can be avoided by filling the gaps.

Unavoidable: These are complex tasks that make mistakes quite likely and the trick is to learn from small mistakes to avoid bigger ones.

Intelligent: These failures are at the frontier of learning, where mistakes are essential to gaining new knowledge and moving forward.

The trick is how to distinguish between different types of failure and work out how we can support children to learn from their experience. There are a few strategies that teachers use to create a supportive environment where children are comfortable to take risks and accept that mistakes are a part of learning. 

Shared understanding:  develop a shared understanding of the kinds of failures that can be expected in each context.

Encourage truth-tellers. Encourage and reward children who ask questions and draw attention to anomalies and concerns; this provides a pathway to working out how to fix the problem and learn from it.

Be humble about limits: Adults need to set an example by acknowledging what they don’t know and mistakes that have been made.

Invite participation: Create opportunities to think through failures and what has been learned. 

At Stanley Bay, we aim to create a culture that allows intelligent failure, we devise tasks for the purpose of learning and innovating – and that means mistakes are made and new learning takes place. One of our key roles is to support children to learn from their mistakes, listen to feedback, bounce back (sometimes again and again!) and encourage them to try their hardest to perform better next time. We hope this is something that you will see and hear about at the Open Afternoon, Learner Led Conferences and in the Mid Year reports. Don't forget failure can make us smarter!

Image by: pixabay.com

A reminder about a couple of events you won't want to miss

Open Afternoon - Thursday 27 June, 2 to 3 pm

You are invited to wander through the classes and see what we have all been up to this term. In preparation for the afternoon, we have been working hard to fine-tune science experiments, create new planets and finish volcanos ... prepare yourself to be amazed by our scientific expertise! 

Parent Information Evening: Student-Led Learning

On Thursday 27 June, 6.30 to 7.30pm, in the library, we will be hosting a parent information evening which will focus on student-led learning and provide you with some understanding and clarity about assessment and reporting processes at Stanley Bay. We hope that the information we share will demystify how teachers determine your child's progress and achievement. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Learner Led Conferences

To support the written report on Wednesday 24 July (3.30-6.30pm) & Thursday 25 July (2-4.30pm)  we will be holding Learner Led Conferences. This will be an opportunity for your child and their teacher to share with you the data and evidence that they used to inform the levels of attainment and comments on the report.

Details on how to make your booking/s have been sent out via eTap today.  

To allow time for the conference to take place on the Thursday the school will be finishing at 1.30pm to enable staff to begin their interviews at 2pm.  Please be aware that we will not be able to provide supervision as teachers will be leading the conferences. If you require childcare Kelly Club will be open and you can book your child/ren by clicking here https://www.kellyclub.co.nz/

Staffing News 

Maria Adam has taught at Stanley Bay for the past seven years and if you are lucky enough to have had children in her class, I am sure you will agree she is a real asset to our school. Maria and her family are off on new adventures and will be leaving us at the end of the academic year. We will certainly be making the most of her talents in term 3 and 4!

Toy Story 4 and Mix N Mingle

FOSB are in overdrive and have some great events planned for the coming months! The next event is on this Sunday 30 June, treat your children to Toy Story 4 at the Vic and while they are entertained pop along to the Patriot for a parents Mix n Mingle.  Details as follows:

Movie Time: 2.30-4.30pm at the Vic (drop offs welcome) MovieTickets: Kids - $17, adults - $25 with treats thrown in Mix N Mingle at The Patriot: 2-6pm Mix N Mingle Tickets: $15 for welcome drink and nibbles.

All tickets available on Kindo.

Bring the children to The Patriot after the movie and enjoy a Sunday dinner from the new menu. Invite your friends...all welcome. 

Image by: Lucy Naylor

Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to seeing you and your family at the Open Afternoon, Parent Information Evening or the Movie event!

Nga mihi 

Lucy Naylor 