Rachael Hamilton — Aug 18, 2020

A message from the Ministry of Education

Firstly, we hope you and your wider school community are safe and well as we navigate our restricted world again.

We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that our free safety filter is available to help protect ākonga from the worst of the web while they are learning from home.

FREE N4L safety filter for all students
Parents can set up the filter on their child's learning devices from home. Clear instructions on how to do this can be found at switchonsafety.co.nz.

The free N4L safety filter (by global cyber-security leader, Akamai) blocks websites containing known cyber threats like phishing scams, malicious content and viruses, while also protecting children from content inappropriate for young eyes (like adult sites).

Please remember that technology is not a silver bullet and the filter is best used in combination with Netsafe's online parent safety toolkit.

Ngā mihi,

The Ministry of Education, N4L and Netsafe
Your Online Safety Team