Hero photograph
Photo by Rachael Hamilton

Term 1, Week 10

Emma Tolmie —

Reflecting on the term that has been there have been changes and pressures on Education, most are not new.

The no phone policy was introduced which had no change or impact on our school. The teaching of five hours a week in Reading, Writing and Maths is still being enacted through parliament and had no change or impact on our school. Education is our core business. Our teachers are experts, who get ongoing weekly training to keep up with latest pedagogy and are outstanding kaiako.

The announcement by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, David Seymour about absences this week shows again that they are not communicating with New Zealand principals who could have told them that we are already sending our daily absences to the Ministry of Education and is automated. Collecting daily absences was implemented by the Labour government during the Pandemic.

David Seymour calling the Tuesday after Easter, a Teacher Only Day, was also incorrect.

What we would like is the government to start communicating with our New Zealand Principals which can be done via our Principals Association so that they can check what is already happening to remove barriers for students to get to school such as continuing food in school programmes and free school buses for school students where these have been historic barriers.

I would like to see more co-ordination between the health system and education to support students who have significantly low attendance due to ongoing health issues. Our truancy teams are at an all-time low and could benefit from bolstered funding to significantly enable these teams to function more effectively. It is unreasonable to expect them to do a good job with the lack of resources they have presently.

In all schools, there are students with significant learning and behavioural challenges. They need extra support. This in turn supports the others in the class and the kaiako. Our school is fortunate to have extra learning assistants to help in every class and funds extra to support those that need it. These students are the first to start not wanting to come to school and the least supported by government.

As we listen to the politicians announcements, I encourage everyone to listen to see if they are adding any practical support, not taking it away. Analysing attendance data that has already been provided and that all principals and boards look at, doesn’t equate to action.

Term 1 credit

This term credit goes to the teachers who are professionals. They have continued to teach with passion, dedication and with creativity. Where they see a need, they implement new support whether this be to adjust their teaching, or start implementing new programmes using the resources they have. Our staff have also embraced the implementation of the new student management system, HERO, as it is continued to be rolled out.

We have enjoyed seeing the new programmes that all our students have embraced, which is regular science, music and drama lessons delivered by specialist teachers each week. Our houses have been strengthened, new student leaders chosen and the whole school participated in a week of Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC), either through camp (Seniors), daily offsite activities (Middles) or camping out at school (Juniors).

Thank you to all our parents who came to the open whānau morning to see your child's class and then the full turnout of parents who attended parent-teacher conferences. A big thank you to all the parents who have helped out this term, there have been many. From EOTC to in-class support, we couldn’t run some of these programmes without you.

Yummy stickers

Keep collecting Yummy stickers, our student leaders will be collecting them on the first day of Term 2 after our Whakatau when we welcome our new people on the first day of Term 2.

Anzac Day invitation

I invite anyone who would like to join me and our student leaders to represent Stanley Bay School on Anzac Day to meet on the corner of Devon Lane and Fleet Street at 10am dressed in school uniform. We will join the march to the Library, participate in the service at 11am and lay a wreath to commemorate those who have fought for our country.

Next term

As we look ahead to the start of a new term, there are new opportunities to excite students learning as we continue to strive for excellence, and create a vibrant learning environment where every individual can thrive.

On behalf of the entire school community, I wish you a safe holiday. May it be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with family and friends. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you back at the beginning of next term, ready to embark on another chapter of learning, discovery, and achievement together.

Safe holidays, and see you soon!

Dates for 2024 to book in and be there for:

Term 2: Week 1: Monday Whakatau at 9.15am in the hall.

Week 2: Book Week. Friday is book character dress up parade at 9.15am

Week 3: Juniors taking the Friday assembly

Week 4: Chess interschool competition in the hall on Friday

Week 5: No Assembly

Week 6: Middles taking the Friday assembly

Week 7: No assembly. Disco, Thursday 13th June

Week 8: Seniors taking the Friday assembly.

Week 9: Matariki week. Friday will be grandparents and special person morning. We will have a Whakatau to welcome them.

Week 10: Sharing assembly: Specialists kaiako will share.