Karyn Barnes-Pownall — Sep 2, 2019

Stanley Bay Stars had a successful season finishing second in the Fun Ferns Year 2 competition.

A massive achievement when you consider eight of the ten girls had never played the game before. Our ten gorgeous girls exuded resilience, teamwork, and determination over the season; turning up passionate each and every week and putting their best foot forward.

It’s been a wonderful experience for us as coach and manager to see new friendships form, and existing ones strengthen. The girls now have a shared passion for the game and we look forward to seeing them develop further in their love of netball. Bring on 2020.

Vanessa (Coach) & Michelle (Manager)

From the parents:  A big thank you to Vanessa & Michelle for putting your hand up and wrangling, informing, guiding, persisting and instilling a love of the game (and sport in general) for the girls.

Team - Olivia, Juliette, Juliette J, Natalie, Stevie, Madeleine, Clementine, Charlotte, Jemima 

Note: missing from the team photo is Thea.