Hero photograph
Photo by Rachael Hamilton

Good One Tokens

Mrs Tolmie —

Our student leaders have been rostered to walk around in fluro jackets with a bag full of Good One Tokens and plasters during break times.

The student leaders are the only ones who can give out the tokens and are for when they see children displaying the school's values. The children also know that there are people they can go to if they have no one to play with, feel sad, or have a scratch and would like a plaster. 

When children get a Good One Token they put it in the box in the office where it stays until it is drawn. At assembly each week, two tokens are drawn by the student leaders. When their token is picked, the students get to choose a prize from the choosing box in Mrs Tolmie's office. 

This week's Good One Token recipients drawn from the box in assembly last week: Jack T for showing resilience and Toby A for inviting others to play with him.