Ben, Room 7 — Aug 7, 2019

On 1 August a mixture of SBS Y3-4 and Y6 children took part in this tournament along with a selection of local schools.

Congratulations to the Y3-4's who took out the 'Plate' grade.

Here is what Ben (Y6) thought of the day,

Last Thursday year 6 took part in the Peninsula football tournament. It was great to see lots of happy faces.  The highlight of my day was playing against other schools .  What wasn't so great was the weather rain, sun, rain, sun, come on clouds make up your mind.   Now everyone knows you can’t change the weather but I guess football is a winter sport.  We won three games and lost 3 games , our last game was very exciting because the winner was the team that got the golden goal and that was us!!  Everyone worked hard and played really well together, even though we had never played together before. I would like to thank all the referees from Belmont, parents and teachers for helping out on our big day.

By Ben, Room 7