Hero photograph
Photo by Karyn Barnes-Pownall

The Stanley Bay Stampede – Sunday 4th of August

Karyn Barnes-Pownall —

The inaugural Stanley Bay Stampede obstacle course and mud run are on Sunday 4th of August. This event is open to Stanley Bay families and the wider community.

Run, slide, crawl, climb, throw, balance and walk your way through the obstacle course, finishing in a giant mudslide. Children can go alone or join them for a family fun together – suitable for all ages and there’s a special course designed for pre-schoolers. Do as many laps as you dare!

There are 2 steps you need to complete:

Step 1

Register by going to www.stanleybaystampede.co.nz – it’s best to create a profile for yourself then add your children to your profile so they are under one single login. When you add an SBS child, add the code SBS to their registration. This allows each SBS child free entry to the event. You can then add any other children and yourselves and only pay for those tickets.

Step 2

Register a fundraising profile for each SBS child on https://stanley-bay-stampede.raisely.com/ This is the fundraising website so children can gain sponsorship from friends and family for doing the Stampede. We are also encouraging children to come up with ways to raise money themselves by doing chores or bakes stalls etc. Please help your child set this up and share the link to their site.

Every $2000 collectively raised results in one of our favourite SBS teachers doing the course and going down the giant mud slide! If we reach our target of $12,000 Mrs Naylor will head in there herself!