Hero photograph
Photo by Lucy Naylor

Summer Play

Lucy Naylor —

It is hard to believe that we only have a few days left of the school year, time flies when you're having fun and with summer around the corner, it is a wonderful time for children to play.

It is great to see our children outside and enjoying the freedom that good weather brings, at lunchtime, there are always so many games happening it is hard to keep track, but what is evident is that any activity can be play, the secret sauce is playfulness - the ability to see a situation and be curious about it, realise it can be enjoyable and get involved. 

We know that there are so many benefits of play and at school, we plan learning experiences that create wonder, spark curiosity and drive creativity. 

Play contributes to intellectual development by building executive function skills, content knowledge, and creative thinking. For example, when children build with blocks or draw, they are counting, classifying, and creating and examining patterns. Play helps with social development as it requires listening and sometimes taking another person’s perspective, it can encourage children to share ideas and express feelings while negotiating compromises. We also know that children learn self-regulation as they follow norms and pay attention while experiencing feelings such as anticipation or frustration. Play teaches children how to set and change rules, and how to decide when to lead and when to follow, so play supports emotional development. Play helps physical development, as children play sports, outdoor games, and dance, they develop strength, muscle control, coordination, and reflexes. They push limits and try new things — racing down a hill, swimming underwater — that can motivate them to take risks in other circumstances.

Playful learning creates choice, wonder, and delight. Choice can mean developing and sharing ideas, making rules, negotiating challenges, and choosing how long to play. Wonder, is children exploring, creating, pretending, imagining, and learning from trial and error. Thirdly, delight is happiness: children smiling, laughing, being silly, or generally feeling cozy and at ease.

As the holiday approaches, make time and space for play. Encourage play dates or a walk to the playground. Be open to risk, if you let children know that you trust them to take small risks, they’ll enjoy creating and exploring and won’t mind a few bumps and bruises. Role model play, when children watch their parents or grandparents enjoying sports, being creative, being outside, then it’s more likely that they will find interesting things to do with their time. Don't forget your children actually do want to play with you. Build sandcastles together, dress up together, or tell stories together. Really get into the spirit of the play and doing it together. That’s the beauty of summertime...it can be learning in disguise. 

Stanely Bay Rocks

Wow! We certainly made an impact dancing down the street at the Devonport Lions Christmas Parade. A big thank you to Sarah Ostergard who skillfully choreographed our moves, provided sounds, inspiration, and motivation! We certainly looked a sight, it was fantastic to see so many families joining in - a real 'feel-good' Sunday morning. I cant wait to see what we can conjure up for the 2020 parade!!

2020 Classes Update 

New Appointment - I am delighted to let you know that our staffing is complete for 2020. We have successfully appointed Genevieve Thomas as a Year 2/3 teacher. Most recently Genevieve has been teaching in Whangarei and comes with strong references. We are looking forward to welcoming Genevieve in the new year. 

Year 2/3 Class - Now that the class placements are complete (almost) we have reconsidered the structure of the teaching teams. Given the makeup of the Year 2/3 class, they will be included in the Y0/2 team and not the Y3/4 team as previously communicated. 

Americas Cup Shade Sails....Help Needed!

Thanks to a very generous team of parents we have donated a the old Spirit of Adventure sails. We would like to re-purpose these as shade sails over the playground area, a very exciting project but one that we need some help with. 

We are looking for a parent with knowledge of construction or engineering to help us work out how to install the sails. Any advice, guidance or help gratefully received - principal@stanleybay.school.nz

Learner Conferences - Monday 3 February 2020

The first day of 2020 will be Monday 3 February 2020. On this day you are invited (and encouraged) to attend a 10-minute Learner Conference with your child and their new teacher. This is a positive way for you to connect with the teacher and an opportunity for your child to discuss their strengths, challenges, and aspirations for the year. 

Once you and your child have attended the conference they are free to go for the day. Please note that as the teachers will be involved in the interviews there will be no supervision provided by the school, however, Kelly Club will be operating and bookings can be made at https://kellyclub.co.nz/ 

Information about how to book a time for your Learner Conference will be emailed in the next couple of weeks and also a reminder in the new year.  

Board Of Trustees End of Year Update 

Next week, the Board of Trustees will be emailing an End of Year Report to keep you in the loop...watch out for this important update. 

End of Term Reminders

Don't forget there are many events happening in the next couple of weeks, check out the 'Up-coming Events' article for more details. 

The final event of the school year is the Awards Assembly where we celebrate some of the outstanding achievements of the year. This will be held on Thursday 19 December (10.30am). 

At the culmination of the Awards Assembly children will head back to class to do the roll and a final farewell to their teachers and classmates and then they will be free to go and enjoy the summer break!

Please note that school will be closing at 1pm (early finish), if you require child care Kelly Club will be open early, to book please click here.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you for your ongoing support of our amazing school. We have so much to be proud of and are fortunate to have such an engaged and vibrant community. Enjoy the break, find some time to rest and reconnect with your family and above all play and have fun!

Nga mihi 

Lucy Naylor 
Principal / Tumuaki