Hero photograph
Photo by Rachael Hamilton

Scooters and bikes to and from school.

Rachael Hamilton —

Riding bikes and scooters to and from school can be a fun and efficient way for students to get to school, but it is important to do so safely. The Principal has been contacted to say that kids riding on footpaths is problematic because they swerve in and out of people and have gotten a fright, and worried someone could get hurt.

If your child rides a scooter or bike to school, here are some tips for riding bikes and scooters safely to chat with your child about:

  1. Always wear a helmet that fits properly and securely. Helmets can greatly reduce the risk of serious head injuries in the event of an accident.

  2. Wear visible clothing or add reflectors to bikes or scooters.

  3. Know the rules of the road and follow them.

  4. Ride defensively and anticipate the actions of pedestrians, call out if approaching pedestrians to give them a heads up, that you are approaching.

  5. Ensure bikes or scooters are in good working order before heading out. Checking brakes, tyres, and other components regularly to ensure they are in good condition and functioning properly.