John Waller — May 25, 2020

As we returned to school at Level 2, it has been a conscious action to maximise your childs time with the teacher.

This means that teachers will have had limited time to carry out the full range of assessments required to provide you with a full written mid-year report. We will still be reporting on your child’s progress, it will just look different. On Monday 29th June your child will bring home their mid-year written report. The focus of this report will be a teacher reflection on how well your child displays the Stanley Bay Values and their work habits. There will also be a short reflection from your child. On Wednesday 1st July and Thursday 2nd July there will be an opportunity for you and your child to meet the teacher for a learner conference.

During the last few years, we have worked hard to make the student the owner of their learner conference, research shows that ownership of our own learning is a key factor in making good progress. However, we are aware that under the current circumstances you might just want to check in with the teacher. With this in mind, we will follow a more traditional structure with our term 2 conferences. The teacher will share a selection of assessment data and examples of work the students have done. It is still important for the child to have a say, so if there is time they will share their successes, challenges, and goals for the remainder of the year.

Appointments will be ten minutes, however, if you feel you need more time or want additional information,  please do not hesitate to email or make an appointment. Teachers value your input and encourage ongoing communication to answer questions or even to discuss how we could use your skills and expertise to support our curriculum. 

Information on how to book your conferences will be in our next bulletin.