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Celebrating Achievement

Karyn Barnes-Pownall —

We have added a new section to this terms bulletin to recognise and congratulate students for their "achievements" outside of school.

Luana - Luana has appeared on her 4th large TV commercial this November with the AA Insurance campaign Live a Little. Luana is passionate about acting and works hard on her auditions to achieve her goal.  Well done!

Harry & Tessa - Congratulations to Harry S  and Tessa C for placing 7th out of 30 boats on the Opti Teams Racing on Lake Pupuke. Non stop 10 min races over 2 days. Well done!

Harry - Harry came 1st in the U13 boys category of the 'Trail Challenge - Waihi - Karangahake Gorge, running the 9.2km over trail, through tunnels and across swing bridges.  Well done Harry! (& Nicola!).

Max - Max played in the Champions Trophy national chess final in Christchurch this month.  For one intense day he kept his nerve as he played 9 games against the best junior chess players across NZ and he is already hoping to beat his performance of 5 wins next year.  Well done Max!

Aggie - Aggie won her J2 division in the Double Dot junior one-day Squash competition at Silverdale.  Aggie was successful against a 12, 13 and 14 year old in five, three and four sets respectively.  Well done Aggie! 

Abigail - Abigail has recently spent time in Wanaka pursuing her love of skiing.  Based on her medal haul she is certainly a talent and one to watch out for.  Abigail's medals were awarded for the following:  South Island Champs (gold in GS, silver in slalom), Mt Hutt Interfield - (gold in slalom and silver in GS), Treble Cone Interfield (two silvers), Ohau Interfield (bronze), Cardrona Interfield (silver and bronze), Remarkables Interfield (silver).   Well done Abigail!

Seb -Seb has played hockey for Belmont Primary for 3 years with great results.  He has now successfully gained selection into the North Harbour Hockey Primary Representative Programme.  Well done Seb!

Please see the photos below.  

If your child would like to be featured in this segment please email office@stanleybay.school.nz