Hero photograph
Photo by Karyn Barnes-Pownall

FOSB - Stanley Bay Stampede - key information

Friends of Stanley Bay —

Date: Sunday 4th August Time: 10am - about 2pm

The event starts and finishes at Stanly Bay school and goes down to the Navy fields. There will be at least 10 obstacles, finishing with a giant slip and slide into a mud pit.

It is suitable for all ages. There will be a nippers course - parents go with their nippers for free.

There are 4 simple steps:

  1. Enter your children into the race by going to www.stanleybaystampede.co.nz. Make your own profile, then add your children. Once set up, you then click on each person’s profile and enter them into the race by clicking on the link on the left of the screen.
  2. Normal entry for children is $20 but SBS children enter for free by entering SBS at the checkout to gain free entry.
  3. Set up your child’s fundraising page by going to stanley-bay-stampede.raisely.com.
  4. Share the link to your child’s fundraising page with friends and family to help them reach their chosen fundraising goal.

All SBS children who enter will get a branded Stampede silicone wristband to thank them for their fundraising efforts.

Our school goal is to raise $12,000 and a teacher will take on the course every $2000 raised.  Mrs McDonnell is up first!

There will be waves for ages and families and we'll have a teacher's wave for the fabulous teachers who put up their hands to be our motivators for fundraising.

We hope that family and friends will support the children with sponsorship but we also encourage the children to be creative about ways they can raise money too, e.g. doing chores, bake sale, sell used toys etc. You may like to talk to them about this.