John Waller — Mar 18, 2020

Talk and conversations with your children around the school values of Respect, Resilience and Integrity has value for all ages. Discussing where you have to show these values in your everyday life and recognising these traits in famous people they may know about. These values are the foundations of the attitudes and behaviours needed to be a successful learner and we need to teach our children what they look like just as much as teaching them to read, write and do maths. 

Discussing the school graduate profile of being confident, being creative, being a critical thinker and being connected is also valuable. These are the traits we would love our students to display and thinking about what a confident learner does or how a connected learner behaves can have a positive impact on their overall approach to learning.


The single most important thing with reading at this age is to read and talk about the reading.


At this age it is important to give your child a reason for writing


Find and connect numbers around your home and neighbourhood – phone numbers, clocks, letterboxes, road signs, signs showing distance