EOTC Yr 5/6 — Mar 8, 2022

Last week the senior school went to Camp Adair in the Hunua Ranges. Our days and nights were jam packed with super fun activities.

We tramped for 3 hours to get to camp and then we set up our cabins and went mud sliding. On the first night we had our hilarious camp concert - even the parents and teachers joined in!

The next day we did a wide range of activities such as the Rambo Bridge, kayaking, hut building, lacrosse, fire lighting. That night year fives went glow worm hunting and year 6 completed the Burma trail.

On Thursday the fun continued with a massive flying fox, rock climbing and archery to name a few. That night (our last night) we had a campfire which was really fun! Friday we had to come back to school and get some rest!

Tramping by Maisie Rm 9

Have you ever been tramping

Sure you have

Remember that time

When all the tuis were singing and

You got distracted and you tripped

On a tree root.

That was tramping.

Remember that time

You thought you were at camp

And used the last of your energy

To stumble up the hill only to

Be greeted by endless deadly steps.

That was tramping .

Remember that time

You looked up and saw the endless

Green and gripped onto your parents

Hand and whispered are we nearly there yet.

That was tramping.

And if you try,really try

Can you remember

When you missed a turn

And your legs felt like

Jelly but you sprinted anyway.

That was tramping.