Rachael Hamilton — Nov 22, 2020

46 year 3-6's lifted the roof at Hauraki Primary school's inaugural Penninsula Kapahaka festival on Friday 20th!

With only 3 weeks of practice & Ally Gamby's (Kapa Kaha Tutor) help, they truly did Stanley Bay proud -not only with their expressive performance but also how they conducted themselves modeling the school values. It was warming to see many of them help the other schools out and really getting stuck in.  

The Kapa Haka Festival was really cool! It was impressive to see all the other schools to see all the other school performing their waiata. We think our performance went really well. We enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and the harmony going on between the schools. The kapa haka festival was held at Hauraki School. They gave us a good warm welcome and sausages. We really enjoyed it!!

By Milena & Rebecca