Rachael Hamilton — Sep 15, 2020

Harbour Softball organised a peninsula wide tournament. Unfortunately, the tournament had to be cancelled, but Harbour took five of our Stanley Bay teams down to Ngataringa playing field for our own mini school tournament.

After a fun day and several rounds later, The Stormers were the champions of the day!

On Monday the 14th September, students from Stanley Bay School went down to Stanley Bay Park, and were greated by a few parents and 2 teachers and world no.23!

It was a fun game of T-ball, 5 teams participated; the Stingrays, the superstars, the smashers, the stormers and the strikers, all from Stanleybay, as the other schools pulled out. Each team got a bye, which means they miss out on a game.

Down at Stanley Bay Park, on the field was 2 diamonds. Everyone played 4games. By the end of T-ball everybody was exhausted.

The results were in, The stormers won, followed by the stingrays. my team lost, but thats ok! It was a fun game and I think and know that everyone had a good time.

By Millie Rm 9

On Monday the Year5 and 6had a T-ball tournament down on Stanley Bay field. There was 5 teams. T-ball is a game like baseball it has 3 bases, fielders and a T and instead of someone throwing the ball you hit it off a T which is much easier. Usually there are 8-9 schools in the tournament but they all pulled out because of Covid 19.

At the end of all of our games the stormers and the stingrays had to play the finals which meant that the other 3 teams played a surprise game at the end of the finals the stormers won the game 18-17. By Stryder Rm 9