Hero photograph
Photo by Rachael Hamilton

Friends of Stanley Bay School (FOSB) Parent Representative & What's App

Rachael Hamilton —

Dear Parents,

There was a good turn out to the FOSB (Friends of Stanley Bay) meeting last night. 

The following roles were fulfilled: Rebecca Newman will continue to be chair and Holly Knill will be the Co-chair. Janique van der Heyden will be Treasurer, Laura Ede is note taker. We want to acknowledge the work Rebecca has done, and thank Holly and Janique for stepping into these positions.

Sarah Ostergaard is doing a stirling job with spearheading the Mud Run this year. She is gathering an outstanding support team, with Rebecca and Jane working hard to secure sponsorship for the Mud Run. If you have a business and would like to know more information, contact the office and your details will be forwarded.

We also had 7 parents who volunteered to be class representatives.

To foster a strong and collaborative relationship between the school, parents, and guardians. To enhance communication and connect parents we are introducing a new initiative: having a designated parent representative for each class.

The role of the parent representative is to serve as a point of contact between FOSB (Friends of Stanley Bay School) and other parents/guardians in the class, using WhatsApp. They will help disseminate important announcements for FOSB, coordinate volunteer efforts, organise class social events for the adults to connect and get to know each other.

To facilitate effective communication, we request your permission to share your cellphone number with the designated parent representative for your child's class. This contact information will be strictly used for FOSB school-related purposes in your class WhatsApp group and will not be shared with any third parties or used for commercial purposes.

Your cooperation in this matter will greatly contribute to a more connected and collaborative school community. We have parent representatives for all classes except rooms 8, 9 and 10. 

If you can be the parent representative for your child's class in Rooms 8, 9 and 10, email: fosb@stanleybay.school.nz

Consent form link: Parental consent form

Thank you for your continued support.

FOSB (Friends of Stanley Bay School)